Sat 7:30 pm
23 Mar 2019 —
Sat 7:30 pm
Ann Southam
Webster's Spin
Allison Cameron
In Memoriam Robert Ashley
Jared Miller
Gabriel Dharmoo
the fog in our poise
Gabriel Dharmoo
This concert recognizes the fiftieth anniversary of homosexual rights in Canada and celebrates the many, many vibrant voices that make up our queer community.
Hear the transcendent beauty of Ann Southam’s Webster’s Spin, the quirkiness and fragility of Allison Cameron’s In Memoriam Robert Ashley, the driving energy of Jared Miller’s Fuse, and the “ceremonial music of an imaginary culture” in Gabriel Dharmoo’s the fog in our poise, a work written especially for the VSO’s Symphony at the Annex series.
This concert also featuring a solo performance by Dharmoo of Vocab – a new solo work which “tackles culturally specific vocabulary used by a) Bollywood fans, b) New music composers, c) Drag queens, d) 30-something Québécois.”
Loud and Queer is presented in partnership with the Queer Arts Festival.
Come early - there will be a panel discussion featuring several members of the community, including Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, Gabriel Dharmoo, and Jared Miller, beginning at approximately 6:00 pm and running for one hour. The concert proper begins at 7:30.