Thursday, April 3, 2025
Individual Tickets: $695 (90% SOLD)
Individuals Under 40: $400 (SOLD OUT)
A portion of ticket eligible for tax receipt.
Gala Committee
The VSO and the VSO School of Music would like to acknowledge the generous support and industrious efforts of our Gala Committee members.
Vancouver Symphony Gala Committee
Nezhat Khosrowshahi, OBC | Honorary Chair

Clara Agopian

Ken Cassidy

Anita Cirillo

Kimberly Cudney

Cali Gibbs

Noel Hollett

Joy Jennissen

Jill Killeen

John Lau

Julian Scott

Alexandra Thompson

Julie Tran

Nessa van Bergen

Edward Wang
Honorary Patrons
Nezhat Khosrowshahi, OBC
Gerald McGavin, CM, OBC
Art Willms