Accessibility information at various venues
823 Seymour St, Vancouver, BC V6B 3L4
Accessible seating can be booked over the phone with one of our box office agents at 604-876-3434 during box office hours, Tuesday through Friday from 10am to 6pm and on Saturday from 1pm to 5pm. Due to limited availability, we have a maximum booking policy of 1 person with accessibility needs and 1 attendant or companion. All additional seats can be booked in sections nearby subject to availability.
For customers using oxygen tanks, if you are attending a performance using retractable seating, we recommend being seated in the balcony (which has elevator access) as there is more space to accommodate the oxygen tank. For cabaret style and non-seated events, you may be placed wherever is convenient.
People accompanied by Guide dogs and Service dogs will need to be seated in one of the accessible areas to accommodate for the extra space.
A limited number of hearing devices are available at the Annex main bar for no cost. We require ID to be left with main bar, which will be handed back with the return of the device.
We have 3 Types of Hearing assist available at the Annex:
1. Listen tech LA-401 single ear headset – These are given to patrons who want to hear both the acoustic sound but need a little help hearing speech
2. Listen tech LA-165 dual headphones – These are given to patrons who want to hear all sound “enhanced”.
3. Listen tech LA-438 advanced neck loops – These are given to patrons who have telecoil-equipped hearing aids or cochlear implants.
For options one and 2 we do have headsets available, but patrons with regular (non lighting jack) headphones of their own are welcome to use them.
Unfortunately, no visual aids are available at this venue.